The Unexpected Joy of Twins


Many have suggested that writing a book is like having a baby. That is the best comparison I could possibly make about my own experience. From the first exciting twinkle to the final contraction, it was as gruelling as it was rewarding. I guess that I’m in the rare department because, thanks to my midwife/editor, I gave birth to twins in my first foray into the world of literature.

Now that I’m the parent (and legal guardian) of these two bundles of joy, I have found that there is a hell of a lot beyond simply plopping out a book. Just like the scene in ‘Alive’ when the Urugian rugby player finally scales the biggest mountain to reach help, and looks out over the entire Andes – I too find myself at the start of a perilous journey into publishing, literary agents, marketing, sales and whatever else is needed to make a book a success.